Tip Tuesday: Weight Loss Tips Part 3: Tricks & Tactics

You have the golden rules down and are finally making the smart decisions when it comes to losing weight but now you need a few tricks and tactics to keep trucking along.

  • Shop the perimeter of your grocery store. The fresh fruits, veggies, meat, eggs, and dairy are located there. If you need something in the center of the store go in with a list only.

  • Plan out your meals. If you don't have healthy options planned out it's too easy to make that fast food run.

  • Chew sugarless gum while cooking to prevent you from nibbling.

  • Before heading out to a restaurant check out their menu online for the healthiest options. You can find lots of restaurant calorie counts online and it's great to look that up ahead of time. If you have never looked at what some of the popular restaurants meals calorie counts are you might be in for a surprise. It's not pretty!

  • Planning on going to a party and wondering how you will get by without blowing your calories for the day? Eat a snack beforehand. If you go on a empty stomach is definitely a disaster waiting to happen.

  • If you are a muncher while watching TV, take up something to keep your hands busy like knitting or painting your nails.

  • If you are having a craving for something you know isn't healthy try to distract yourself with reading or anything really for 20 solid minutes. Cravings usually take 20 minutes to go away.

  • Eat what your craving in its healthiest form. If you are craving french fries, eat a baked potato.


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