Tip Tuesday: Weight Loss Tips Part 4: Staying Motivated

This is the 4th and final part to the weight loss tips and it's all about staying motivated to actually make it to your goal.

  • Exercise with a friend or even in a group setting when you can. You are much more likely to stick with it.

  • Set small goals and not just one large goal. If you have 20 lbs to lose then set your first goal to lose the first 5. When you reach that goal reward yourself but not with food. Buy yourself a new book you have been eyeing or give yourself a mani/pedi day.

  • Music makes working out so much easier in my opinion. I can often power through tough workouts when I have something jamming in the background. It also tends to make your workouts feel much shorter and not long and drawn out.

  • Remember that small changes can make a big difference. Reluctant to give up your soda? Give it a go for a few weeks and just see how much better you feel. Yes, that means diet soda too.

  • Keep a online journal of your weight loss journey. I would suggest myfitnesspal or blogtolose. Having others support you will also inspire you to keep going and to keep working hard for your end results.

If you want to read the parts 1-3 of Tip Tuesday Weight Loss Tips they can be found here.

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