A question for young women

Captain Capitalism researches the creme de la creme of feminism, the elite, award-winning, bien-pensant New York media figure, the East Coast, Liberal, Feminist Woman Who Lives In New York And Opines About Socio-Romantic Topics, As Well As Politics and asks if they are truly the role models that Sex and the City made them appear to be:
The Question I Have for Young Women

Now, let's summarize all the ECLFWWLINYAOASRTAWAP's into one imaginary "cumulative, average woman."

  •     a 44 year old woman
  •     who is unlikely to be married
  •     likely to be divorced
  •     likely to have children
  •     with a good chance she will be a single mother
  •     doesn't have a real degree or a real profession
  •     but went to school for 6 years on average for it anyway
  •     and is very average looking coming in at a 5.4
Do you REALLY want to become that?

I don't care what they write.  I don't care what they say.  And I don't care how sweet it may sound to your young, naive, gullible and VERY INEXPERIENCED ears.

Do you really want to be a divorced, middle aged woman with a hobby that you desperately try to pawn off as a career?
What is even worse is that there isn't even a remotely reasonable prospect of joining the Dowd Crowd in these days of declining newspaper readerships.  How many slots come open on the New York Times editorial page, one per decade?  Ross Douthat got the token conservative one about five years ago and he'll fill it for the next thirty.  Dowd has is still writing about her dating life even though she has been living in the lonely hell of the formerly attractive for at least the last 15 years, and there is no reason to think she won't hold onto her slot for another 20.

The average crack whore working the central bus station would serve as a better role model for the young woman who seeks happiness and fulfillment in life than these bitter, middle-aged charlatans.

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