Alpha Mail: an astute observation

Lamarck notes an informative tell:
 "Remember, we usually give away our values in the process of attacking others. " ~ VD

“Today I will offend racist sexist homophobic dipshits simply by EXISTING" ~ John Scalzi

It's the mere existence of different people that is offensive to the rabbits that's how they rationalize that you must "hate" anyone who is different from you. 
This is why you can never reach a reasonable accommodation with Rabbit People.  It is why you should never even try.  Your very existence offends them.  The only way to stop offending them is to become one of them; even if you abide by their myriad rules and regulations, they will continue to eye you askance, always suspicious that you may, at any moment, reveal yourself to be "not-rabbit".

At which point, they will attack mercilessly and mindlessly en masse.  Many a good little rabbit has been destroyed by his fellows in this manner; one of the more amusing things to watch is the frantic squeals of a rabbit who has somehow inadvertently offended the warren, desperately insisting that it is all a mistake and he is truly one of them even as they are tearing him to bits.

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