Anime Role Models

I love, love, love anime. It has been a giant staple in my life for as long as I can remember. Even though a lot of people I know grew out of anime and manga, I still read and watch as if I'm 10 years old. It's AMAZING! I'm pretty excited, especially since it's the beginning of the month so that means I get my monthly updates on a few soon.

Anywho, growing up I made a few of these characters role models in my head. Is this silly? Maybe. I don't really care. I can openly say that some of these characters or situations gave me hope in some dark moments. To this day, I'll still sing The Power of Love from Sailor Moon if I'm feeling down. It just gives me a boost. With that said, I'm just gonna ramble some of my all time favorites (and please add your own if you have them!).

This is Gasai Yuno. See that loving, deranged look in her eye <3
Sailor Moon: Ok. So the whole show is basically a role model for me. I adore it. Everything. Talking cats? Check. Awesome outfits? Check. Naked transformation? Check. I live for that. Ever since I started watching the show, I was hoping to run into a cat with a band aid on its head so I could take it off and become a Sailor Senshi. I'm still waiting. Right now, my cat only likes to puke on the floor. Not quite what I was looking for.

The show is packed full of girl powah! Women protecting women, falling in love, out of love, and most importantly, believing in love AND YOURSELF. I can't tell you how many times Sailor Moon saw her friends and loved one die in front of her but she still pressed on, with acceptable breakdowns here and there. She's not my favorite character (I have like...5) but you gotta give her props. She's pretty damn strong and opened my eyes to some damn delicious awesomeness.

Yoruichi from Bleach: I'm so much like her, my friends call me that. Or Teruichi. Either or. She's one of the first black female anime characters I've ever seen and she's bad-fucking-ass. And she can turn into a cat. Extra points for me! She's always cool, calm, collected, and STRONG. Really strong. And she's not afraid to stand up for what she feels is right. Before Bleach closes out, I need to know more about her past. Come on Tite Kubo. Give me more.

Gasai Yuno from Mirai Nikki: So. She shouldn't be a role model. She's crazy. Bat shit insane. Possessive. But does she know how to love. In a crazy way. I dunno why she's my role model but she's definitely my latest manga obsession and totally cosplay worthy. I love her.

My "One Day I'll Cosplay" list grows all the time full of awesome characters. Do you have anime/manga/comic book/cartoon role models too? = D

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