Family Secrets Revealed

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While we watch soap operas for the drama, we often empathize with the underdog and cheer on whenever the lead character is able to traverse all the obstacles. The audience always loves to see how the rich crumble in these telenovelas. In the case of this wealthy clan, their lives are intertwined with events that can rival the best of these soaps.

As a well-known and well-admired clan, this family has dealings that are not showy or clouded in doubt. In fact, the family is closely-knit, and never has there been a scandal that made the headlines of newspapers. Of course, amidst the fame and wealth, the scandals are well kept secrets. For example, one of its scions (OS) died of mysterious circumstances but stories of alleged drug overdose pervaded at that time. His untimely death abruptly ended a blooming and promising political career. While everyone thought this scion left the world quietly, rumors have it that he left a child.

While this child has now grown, hardly did this child enjoy any recognition from the alleged father’s family. The mother is an ordinary woman who does not seem to have any lineage nor wealth to boast of at that time. Hence, the family allegedly never acknowledged the situation, but never did they deny anything as the affair between the mother and OS was out in the open at that time.

Is this the family secret that would haunt the political career of another scion (AS) of the said family? For the superstitious, is this the family secret that will prevent AS from achieving the position that he has been aspiring? If indeed the child is that of the late scion, should not the family recognize the child’s existence?

''Principles do not mainly influence even the principled; we talk on principle, but we act on interest.'' - Walter Savage Landor

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