It's Roissy's world

The main job of social scientists appears to revolve around confirming that we're all living in it every other week:
Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health, a massive and detailed database covering 27,000 teens and young adults, she found that physical attractiveness (as rated by the person conducting the survey interview) does indeed correlate with sexual behavior--and in opposite ways for the opposite sexes:  The better-looking a man is, the more lifetime sexual partners he reports; the better-looking a woman, the fewer. Good-looking men are more likely to have had sex soon after meeting a partner; good-looking women, less likely. Good-looking women are likelier to describe their relationships as "committed"; good-looking men, less likely.
I have long pointed out that feminism is the only ideology that is less connected to observable reality than Communism.  That is why Western society, having been feminist-ridden since 1973, is unlikely to last as long as the 72 years that communism survived in the Soviet Union.

Men and women not only aren't the same, they would barely qualify as being the same species if they weren't able to breed.  Neither Game nor the results of the McClintock paper would be viable if the basic precepts of feminism were even remotely true.  If a woman asks why you're not a feminist, the correct answer is "because I don't believe in leprechauns riding unicorns down rainbows".  And if she asks why you don't think much of the intellectual capabilities of feminists, the correct answer is "Because people who structure their entire approach to life around leprechauns riding unicorns down rainbows are stupid."

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