Rude Behavior of the Popular Actor's Camp

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In an out of town sortie of an upcoming actor (UA) with his fellow network stars, one of the members of the local press whom the network invited was turned off by the behavior of UA's road manager.

One local reporter addressed a question to UA, “Is it true that you do not want to be asked personal questions?” Suddenly, the road manager (RM) of UA screamed, that got everyone's attention. RM exclaimed, “That question is not allowed!”

The press was shocked at such rudeness of RM. They were so insulted with the crassness that was so uncalled for, and coming from a guest of their province at that, whose purpose was for the network to win them over.The reporters were aghast at the way the UA's camp wanted to interfere and dictate to them what to ask and what not to ask.

Incidentally, an implication of the action of the RM is that UA is incompetent in answering such questions. Remember how he smirked when asked something personal sometime ago? UA did not even spare a powerful player in the industry with a rude response when he was asked off air about his family. What made things worse was when UA decided to immediately leave the meet up after the RM's shouting spree.

The funny thing is that the “personal question” often asked UA is about his family, and everyone knows he has "responsibilities'' to fulfill. Instead of building up UA as a ''responsible'' celebrity, his handlers choose to downplay this side of his public life. UA should also stop thinking that this part of his life is private as it began very publicly and many people have seen ''them" in public places.

As one reporter indicated, the handlers of the network have once again failed in their treatment of the local press in the provinces their stars visit.

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