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Coming from a good family before entering the world of entertainment, PA can splurge as much as she wants. However, BF was quite tentative, or hesitant while they were around the store. Hence, she decided to do the next best thing. PA bought herself a piece of jewelry that she liked so much.
Did BF hesitate because he felt now is the time to maximize his resources on his current and expensive endeavor? Of course, BF also has money himself and he could probably afford to buy PA any piece of jewelry, but then, he would be risking being branded as excessive if he did spend and it got leaked out. Or perhaps, he really is just not ready yet to buy PA anything that could be symbolic of a long-term commitment.
Even if other sectors think that PA is more of a “liability” for him, people still get to notice more of BF because of his relationship with the actress. PA provides him with the extra exposure, and perhaps, showbiz friends who can glamour up his popularity (it’s not as if he needs it, anyway).
The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her. -- Marcelene Cox
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