The Never Ending Drama of The Dramatic Actress

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Her entry into the network was a highly anticipated event in local showbusiness. For almost a decade, seasoned actress (SA) has been rumoured to be staging a comeback, but the reality was that no one dared to gamble on her until one of the movers in town decided to lure her back. In clinching the deal, SA was able to reclaim some financial security and renew ties with the industry.

The offer was so sweet that SA grabbed the opportunity, and she was once again seen on primetime. Sadly, although the project was promising with its cast and storyline, it did not generate the interest needed for her to have a successful comeback. Her drama series only lasted for a season. SA, now vacant, never lost hope, and she continued to have appearances on tv and the movies. Her fans clamoured for a follow up of her telenovela, but the waiting game continued for several months. Finally, the network said it already had a major project for SA, which was to be launched early this year.

Then, the publicity suddenly died down. Apparently, SA got sick and thus, the taping for the pilot episode had to be moved. The poor production people had to wait for her, and activities related to her in the series had to stop. Ah, but the head of the production (HP) was wise. SA has been known for her idiosyncrasies during her career, such as making people wait for hours while she stayed in her room.

Hence, HP supervised the stay of SA in the hospital to make sure just in case SA was having one of her “dramatic spells.” Was HP doubtful of the veracity of “the sickness “of SA?

At her age, SA should already be more conscious of living a healthier life minus the typical habits that go with the business such as smoking, drinking, staying up late socializing, etc. Moreover, SA should think of how many of the smaller people in the production will not get paid because of delays and work stoppage.

“She says he says, but she could be lying to me, and he could be lying to her, so I can’t believe her, even if I could believe her.
” – Jarod Kintz

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