Awkward Flight Companions

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It is a fact: We achieve nothing on our own. We feel good when our hard work yields success, but we should also be grateful enough to acknowledge the people who are part of it. Our victories also belong to them who were with us along the way, helping us curve that label we call success.

However, this situation is not the case for a popular public servant (PS). Sometime ago, PS was introduced to a very influential player in showbusiness (VI) by a powerful politician (PP). Although already known as the likely heir to the throne of his well-loved father, PS needed to attract the masses, and get away from the dad’s shadow. Having ties with VI, who was about to take the plunge in politics was already battle half won.

When VI’s venture into politics abruptly ended, PP continued to be with PS patiently helping him build up his career. Such had deepened their relationship that extended even to the level of family. As the years passed, PS became a household name in no time. PS had evolved from a plain nobody to a well-respected young public official.

Due to some recent events, PS had a falling out with PP. Although at first both were vocal that their personal relationships will not be jeopardized by their professional issues, the actions of PS prove otherwise.

On a recent flight, seating arrangements for PP and PS were numbered next to each other. Unknowingly, PP sat on the seat of PS. When PS arrived, he was cold and instructed an attendant to ask PP to vacate the said seat. PP obliged as requested. When PP saw it was PS who would be his seatmate, he greeted him “Hello!” PS only nodded.

That must have been an awkward flight as PP was almost ignored by PS, who at some point, he considered almost like his son.

“No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.” — Alfred North Whitehead

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