BGN Girl: Brittany Stringfield Logan

My name is Brittany Stringfield Logan. I'm a mother to Olivia and a wife to Robert. I've been a nerd since I was born and my family supports my nerdiness. My brothers have introduced me to all things nerdy (Star Wars, Star Trek, Comic Books, and Graphic Novels).

I've been a theater and band nerd during my high school years. I made costumes for theater and for choir. Also I played Oboe, Marimba and xylophone in band. I can still play all these instruments and also I can help build some mean sets for plays. My older brothers, Devin and Brandon, introduced me to comic books and graphic novels. I would love to make a graphic novel about a black girl kicking ass and taking names. Also I love fashion and would love to have a line for nerdy boys and girls (If anyone wants to invest in me let me know :)

I'm getting my Fashion Merchandising degree and should be done by 2015. I've been blessed to find a guy that is equally nerdy as me and we enjoy to debate each other in history and pop culture. I hope our child can keep up with our antics! I hope by thirty I have my own shop and have my own graphic novel. I will keep trying! Maybe you guys will be wearing my clothes and reading my novels. I have a blog that you guys can definitely check out: The Lows and the Woes of a Natural Girl 

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