Easter is just right around the corner and lets just be honest, this mama still has out her Valentine's Day decor. Haha! It has been cold and snowy and nothing like Spring around here until yesterday when it was a gorgeous 65* and today it's suppose to be around the same. LOVE IT!! I'll just ignore the rainy weather we are suppose to have this weekend though.
Now that I'm finally in the mood to decorate for Easter and Spring I'm ready for a little holiday pinspiration and with that here are some fun and festive Easter and Spring decor. TGIF so we can go get our craft on! Does anyone else feel old when they use TGIF or is that just my 30 year old self. I have no doubt in today's txting society that most kids think TGIF just stands for {thank God it's Friday} anyone else remember when it actually stood for the TV shows that aired on Friday nights? Full House anyone?
You can also check out a few Easter projects I did last year. My Easter wreath and garland.
Happy Friday everyone. Hope you have a great weekend!
I'm off to finish up my picture frame for the office that I was suppose to post today. Oops!! I needed the Mr. to help me with part of it that I had planned to do yesterday but Army duties called. I promise it will be up Monday for sure. Like me on facebook! I'll post a sneak peek later today if you want to see what I'm working with. ;)