Just a Botched Attempt to Take Him Home

Image courtesy of www.julietlandaustakeflight.com 

Versatile celebrity (VC) got smitten with character actor (CA) that he took the chance to be close to him at a gathering. After a long night of drinking, most of the guests were already drunk, and so was CA. Slowly, VC started to make the moves with a few subtle touches here and there. CA was quite drunk, and he seemed to not mind what VC was doing.

When it was time to go home, VC insisted on bringing CA home. VC collected the stuff of CA and was ready to bring it to his car. He was already pulling CA, but got shocked. CA suddenly refused the offer, and said in a loud voice that he did not want to go with VC as something might happen.

Poor VC, he was unsuccessful in his attempt to bring home CA that night. VC cannot be blamed for being attracted to CA as the scruffy look and bad boy image of CA do cut across genders. Besides, CA is also a convincing actor when he plays villain roles. Well, if at first you don’t succeed, you can try again. Will VC give it another try?

Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.- Henry Ford

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