Image courtesy of www.femiaturu.com
Young talent (YT) committed to co-hosting a segment in a game show of a major network. When YT arrived on the set, she was sluggish and looked wasted. Worse, her lack of sleep was very evident. When all the celebrity guests were already made-up, YT was the next person for make-up. She refused, saying she was not feeling well.
A production staff tried to coax YT into getting in the mood, but YT insisted she was not okay. Someone yelled at the make-up artist to fix YT asap. On hearing this, YT went to the toilet and threw up. When she returned to the set, she was holding on to an inhaler, wearing her shades, and crying. Then, she begged off, said she really could not do her task, and bid farewell to the staff.
Why was YT feeling so sick that day and made people wait in vain? Allegedly, YT attended a party the night before and got home early morning of next day. Everyone knows that a party always requires high energy, but the best part usually happens when the party is over.
While YT is understandably at the peak of her teenage life, it is her right to live it the way she wants, but commitments are commitments - big or small, they should be honored at all cost. For someone who's so new in the industry, it is ironic that YT is behaving this way. On the other hand, her attitude may also stem from the fact that she entered the business on a strong backing of a more famous relative FR - and that whatever breaks she is given is always attributable to FR. As it was once said, "Anything you fought for to get, you will fight for to keep."
And while at it, perhaps YT can learn a thing or two from FR as far as discipline and commitment to the profession are concerned. FR rose from the ranks, by dint of hard work, perseverance and professionalism - molded through the years. YT should employ a no nonsense self-improvement if she wants a fabulous career like FR, and enjoy all the perks in the process.
Desire is the key to motivation, but it is determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek. – Mario Andretti
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