Just Rekindling an Old Flame?

Image courtesy of www.bonbonbreak.com

Confused Actor CA and Beautiful Celebrity BC are now getting to be an item. Recently, CA seems not to care  about his image and his career appears to go nowhere as well. Looks like these days, he prefers the company of BC over his Girlfriend GF. BC was CA's former partner but they had a controversial falling out, with no proper closure, so to speak.

CA happily moved on from one relationship after his episode with BC. Yet he still continued to be hounded by controversies involving BC after these years. Some observers felt that it might be because BC had a hard time recovering after her relationship with CA. But she eventually moved forward months after, and even tried dating other guys. 

At present CA is in a relationship, something that is supposed to make him glow and get inspired. However observers say that the opposite is what is happening to him. CA's recent activities and sightings on and off camera seem to scream disaster. His quarrels with GF  have also become more and more frequent, according to the to the people around them.

His fans and followers are worried sick that they are seeing a different CA like never before. If reports are to be believed, CA's troubled  relationship with GF might soon be over as well. Are their frequent quarrels involve BC as well? Recently, He and BC were seen walking along the the hallway of a condo building in the dead of night after visiting a common friend. Nothing wrong. But walking together while holding hands, and embracing is another story. 

Is CA getting lost, confused, and charting his own downfall both in his professional and personal life? As Fernando Pessoa once said,  “In order to understand, I destroyed myself.” Let us just hope that this is not what CA is doing. 

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