Menu Planner

Morning All, 

You know that feeling when you start a project that is amazing then it all comes crumbling down, well here is my most recent one.

My friend Ros from Sew Delicious  recently posted her menu planning tips, I had been using my iPad but just found that it really wasn't keeping me on track and I wanted something in the kitchen.

So I cut my vinyl and stuck it on the fridge.

Then I literally spent hours designing these little menu items, printed them, and the printer ran out of ink!

I decided it was a minor set back and carried on.

Made the magnets using my Xyron Sticker maker with the magnetic cartridge and started taking pictures, the weather has become cold and dark this week and for the life of me, I could not get a decent picture.

I carried on, and took a picture anyway and low and behold I chose the only one with a spelling mistake, which I did not notice until I had finished writing the post.

Here are many of the others all with correct spelling, I checked!

If you want to make one grab your supplies below and get a cookin'

Vinyl - with cutting machine
Xyron Sticker Maker
Xyron Laminate/Magnet
Paper and Printer

DIY Delight or Disaster?

The Menu Planner is a delight! I am using it and it is helping keep me organised and on track. I am disappointed about the printing side of it (and the mistake) so the magnets are a disaster. But they can be fixed as soon as I get to the office supplies place and get some ink so all in all, no biggie.

Thanks for reading,

Mel xo

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