Sanctifying the single mother

As Dalrock adroitly describes, the fact that many, if not most modern "Christian" churches are sanctifying single motherhood is an indication that they are practicing Churchianity, not a religion that is derived from the Bible:
[T]he insanity of the modern Christian position on out of wedlock births is so great that it is tempting to forget just how incredibly foolish it is.  It is difficult to process the fact that our leaders are so eager to excuse the rampant sinful and catastrophic choices women are making, choices which have lead us to a state where over forty percent of children are now born out of wedlock.

Except for the minuscule fraction of out of wedlock births due to rape, every single out of wedlock birth represents a case where a woman chose to bear a child by a man who wasn’t interested in marrying her or a man she wasn’t interested in marrying.  We also know that the choice of unfit fathers isn’t random.  This is exactly the kind of men women who are thinking with their genitals will choose.

Yet Christian men, especially Christian leaders, can’t bring themselves to call out this pervasive sin which is harming countless millions of children.  In fact, when an actress and single mother wrote a book touting the benefits of fatherless children, The 700 Club not only failed to call her out for her own sin and encouragement to other women to sin, they plugged the book.
Men are not the problem in the modern Church.  They can't be; they're not even there.  The problem is one that was identified nearly 2,000 years ago by the Apostle Paul, who also provided the antidote.  Show me a church that has female pastors and I'll show you a church that will deny the literal resurrection of Jesus Christ within 50 years.

When single mothers are more revered than the Virgin Mary, when the brave act of raising a little bastard or three is more lionized than the Magnificat, that is a certain sign that a church is spiritually dead.  Leave it behind and don't look back.

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