The Capriciousness of the Actress

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Nowadays, the trend is to give the spotlight to ordinary people who have resemblance to celebrities. Most celebrities do not take their look-alikes seriously, and take to them as part of their popularity. Some would even pose with their “double” just for the fun of it.

However, young controversial talent (CT) showed the opposite of her sweet image when she was told that the girl imitating her had a very close resemblance to her. Off camera, CT was asked if she could approach the girl who came as a guest in their show. Instead of just being game, CT adamantly refused and said, “I do not like it - not funny at all!!” Then, she turned her back and walked away.

Someone remarked that CT probably did not want to have a face-off with the girl because she probably worried that her alleged physical enhancements might become even more noticeable. After all, CT has always stuck to her guns that she has not undergone anything drastic to fix any part of her face and body.

Strangely, with all her current controversy, CT seems to be portrayed as the underdog and the “victim,” but in such a simple task as approaching a contestant, she had to be a KJ and refused.

It is always the secure who are humble. – Gilbert Keith Chesterton

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