Why are men silent?

Dr. Helen poses the question:
Perhaps this is why only women seem to be speaking up. It’s safer and they typically have a feminist bent anyway. Come on–The End of Men? Seriously? That’s easy. What’s hard is speaking up about the war against men in our culture, especially if one is a man with a career. Do you speak up when you see injustice against men in public, at work, or out in the world?
I disagree. The short answer to the question is that we're not silent.  We only appear to be missing from the public discourse because the female-obsessed media is completely ignoring the leading voices of men who are speaking out against the destructive incoherence and tyranny of sexual equalitarianism.  To understand how this process works, one need only look at the difference between the way in which Roissy and Susan Walsh have been treated by the media upon its discovery of the societal consequences of Game.  Now, it is no secret that I think highly of Susan. I believe she has taken on an important and difficult task.  And it is no criticism of Susan to note that Roissy has been around longer, Roissy is the more original thinker, and Roissy is the more influential writer. I also suspect the Chateau has a larger readership than Hooking Up Smart.  And yet, to whom does the media turn when it wants to discuss the ideas that the androsphere have been producing and kicking around for years?  Susan, naturally.

Meanwhile, Roosh only surfaces in the mainstream media courtesy of his appearance on the Southern Poverty Law Center's bogus list of so-called hate sites.

It's not Susan's fault. Not in the least. She's just doing her thing and she can hardly be expected to turn up her nose and slam the door when the media literally comes knocking.  But there are a number of men who are more influential in terms of how people are thinking about the societal consequences of Game than she is, and none of them are ever interviewed by the mainstream media even as the concepts they create and the terminology they coin leaks into it.  A link from Instapundit is about as mainstream as the coverage of any member of the androsphere can reasonably expect to receive.

This is not a complaint, it is merely an observation.  It is, in fact, no more than any theoretician of Game would expect.  But it is absurd to think that men are silent when there are dozens of them writing, speaking out, and being actively followed by tens of thousands of men and women.  Men are not silent, it is only that the mainstream media wants no part of any man who is not intellectually neutered, and is determined to hear no men, see no men, and say absolutely nothing about men that might, in some way, reflect insufficiently well on women.

But the cracks in the dam are showing. And when it breaks, there will be a deluge.

As to why men are disinclined to speak up on an individual level, that is because men dislike complaining and fear retribution both personal and professional.  I myself have lost both book contracts, (from Thomas Nelson and Lion Hudson), and jobs due to nothing more than intense dislike for my published opinions. However, as fewer and fewer men have anything they fear losing, and as awareness of Game grows throughout the male population, I believe the younger generation, which has been inoculated against the female imperative by constant exposure to it, will begin to speak out against the myriad of pretty little lies.

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