An embarrassment of Gammas

I believe that is the proper collective term, is it not? Gammas absolutely love it when things go poorly for attractive women, because they see it as a great romantic opportunity to rescue her and outkick their coverage thereby.  Witness the grotesque behavior of men reacting to one woman's attractive mug shot:
The woman whose attractive DUI mugshot took the internet by storm has been beset with unwanted attention by lovestruck admirers who have offered marriage proposals, declarations of never-ending love and trips overseas.

'I hope if you have a man he takes care of you and showers you with love and tenderness. If we were together you would need for nothing. I would go to the ends of the earth just to make you happy,' one man posted on Reddit after Meagan Mccullough's mugshot went viral....

'The eyes of the sky. And hair like woven silk. I have taken photos of thousands of woman and never seen one with what you have in those eyes breath taking you are,' another posted told her.

Another asks her to move to Ireland: 'What's up with that surname, you must have Irish heritage? You got bar work experience? Come to Ireland, I'll put you up for a while and you can work in my friends pub while you find your feet, look up your family history and then move on to something better. Over here, we don't call you a criminal for driving drunk (unless repeatedly caught). I'm not joking by the way.'

Meagan said the sudden attention has been 'weird' and she has received a lot of 'gross' messages from guys as a result.

Dozens of men fashioned memes featuring the police shot with captions such as 'GUILTY - of taking my breath away', 'Arrested for breaking and entering - YOUR HEART' and 'Tell me what she did so I can end up in the same jail'.
This is literally world-class anti-game. And note, in particular, how the woman is reacting to this over-the-top desperation: with precisely the same sort of horror that women do when faced with it in person.  Women are the unromantic sex. All things being equal, they are much more turned on by a laconic "yeah, I suppose I'd hit that... if I had enough to drink" than "I would go to the ends of the earth just to make you happy."

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