ASK A NERD: Technology for Black Women Nerds?
Q: I have a background in Technical Writing and I love learning new software. If I wanted to make a career switch, what area(s) do you consider employable for Black women nerds?
A: I’m not very familiar with Technical Writing, however, I do know that the traditional technology skills such as hardware support and web development are declining, BUT, the demand for specific technology skills is blowing up; and getting into a technology career right now is good! As a former college/university career adviser, I have suggested to my former students that if you’re looking to get into the technology field, there are a few skills that will set you a part from others. Those skills are:
1. Social Media - the demand for social media job skills are UP! Employers are seeking individuals who can give them skills in reputation management and online customer engagement. These positions are usually Social Media Managers; and you need to know more than just posting on Facebook and Twitter. A good Social Media Manager has a solid skill set.
2. Information Security – IS is for those who know how to regularly perform system check-ups and keep the computer running smoothly. I recently read that this area of technology is poised to be one of the best paying IT jobs in 2013, especially if you plan on working with the federal government. In this area, employers are seeking individuals who can secure mobile applications environments on a corporate scale.
3. Database Management – The demand for Database Administrator’s is still up and businesses need for these individuals to be certified in DBA’s in order to organize and secure lots of data.
Good luck with your career change!
~ Tam Solomon, Contributing Writer