Whether you are headed to prom, down the aisle or out on a date you never know when one of life's little surprises is going to pop up. You may need a quick pick-me-up at school or even work either way you can't go wrong with having a beauty emergency kit stashed away in your purse, car or locker. These little handy kits will get you from daytime to playtime.
1. The first thing I would suggest is a cute cosmetics bag. You have to have something to keep all your stash in right? I love this turquoise and white striped one from Tori Burch. It's a little pricey so there are definitely other great options out there. Target carries some super cute cosmetics bags as well. If you are in a pinch for a bag then Ziploc anyone? Hey, It works!
2. If you are going to be out over night then you will definitely want to keep some facial wipes on hand. These are also great for other things than just your face. Use them from head to toe when you can't catch a quick shower. Also great for those hot Summer nights when you need a cool off too.
3. Fresh breathe, you will want it!! I don't care who you are, after waking up in the morning you breathe is not going to be smelling its best. I'm married so lets be honest, I sometimes kiss my husband without fresh morning breath but when we were just dating. No way!! A great thing to keep on hand is Colgate wisp, you can get a package of 4 for around $2. If you don't want to go that route at least keep some mints on hand. Your friends or significant other will thank you. ;)
4. Freshen up your perfume after work or school with a rollerball of your favorite perfume or even an atomizer works great too. You can pick up a atomizer by Flo on amazon for around $10.
5. So I already mentioned we want to keep our breath cool but we want to keep our pits from stinking too right? Travel size deodorants are usually small enough you could get away with keeping one in your emergency kit or if you need something even smaller then keep some deodorant wipes on hand. La Fresh makes some and they run about $20 for 48 packets.
6. Your brand new pair of sexy heels just gave you a super blister!! That is why band aids in a beauty emergency kit are a must. Even your best pair of shoes can rub a sore after hours of dancing or walking.
7. Pop-Up Hairbrush! Detangle your bedhead with a compact size brush. Pick up one with a mirror and knock out two things you could use at once.
8. Speaking of hair, I don't go anywhere without a hair tie or 3. I have thick and long hair and it gets HOT. The easiest way for me to cool down is tying my hair up. I usually just grab the Goody's hair ties {w/o the metal} but these pictured above have become more and more popular. You can get a set of 5 for around $13 + s&h from Emi-Jay. A little pricey but they make for cute bracelets when you aren't using them as hair ties.
9. These lip glosses by Pixi are great for a little color burst on the lips but even for the cheeks as well. I love double duties.
10. Money! I am notoriously bad about this because I rarely carry cash on me but you just never know when you need cash. Don't carry tons of cash on hand for safety reasons but one or two twenties will do.
11. Tide to go pen, because you never know when you need to get rid of a stain. Messy eater anyone?
12. I don't usually carry my makeup around with me but if you know your going to need a touch up go for travel and sample size products. They are much smaller to carry and if they get messed up you can just toss them without bumming yourself out over the $30 blush you just broke.
Those were just a few things that I would want in my beauty emergency kit but there are so many other great options such as hair spray, earring backs, hand lotion, nail clippers, emery board, clear nail polish, safety pins, bobby pins, double-sided tape, pain reliever, tampons, blotting tissues and so much more. Just think about what you would probably use the most and make your kit that way. You can always add stuff that you could have used previously and take away stuff you may never use as well.