Corruption by Amaya Radjani

The story Corruption is about a relationship between two people from two divergent worlds. Mahogany Carroll is a 39-year old Black female professional who is the head regional administrator of a government-owned company and makes over 250K per year. She is organized, confident, and secure in her world as a manger. Mahogany meets Jordan Yoshito, a Japanese 22-year old mail clerk that works for Mahogany’s firm and delivers her mail every morning. Jordan works part time as a sales clerk at Barnes & Noble and is uncertain of his career and educational goals and prefers to live as a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of lifestyle rather than being focused.

The two are night and day in every capacity, yet there is an electrical surge of attraction that brings the couple together. Corruption starts off as an erogenous tale of two lovers that cannot keep their hands off of one another. The sexual escapades that take place between Mahogany and Jordan are provocative and stimulating. Their chemistry is hypnotic and captivating and you just can’t get enough pages of pleasure so distinctly described in each love scene. As the relationship between Jordan and Mahogany matures, so does this story with a compelling plot that causes their connection to be compromised which leads the reader to want to know the future of this charismatic couple.

Mahogany who has a no holds barred attitude when it comes her sexual rendezvous with men and her free-spirited pursuit of sexual conquests, finds herself in an unexpected situation with Jordan. The book takes you through an emotional journey not only with these two characters, but with the friends and family members who choose to either support or be antagonistic towards this unorthodox relationship. There are unexpected turns in the story, and you will find yourself wanting to know more as you peel layer-by-layer into the story arc of Corruption.

Don’t let the title fool you into thinking there is anything corrupt about the love that ensues between Jordan and Mahogany, it’s a lesson to all of us of what true love is supposed to be all about.

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