DIY Knob Magnets

So for my first project pretty kitchen post I have a super simple DIY project. You can't get any simpler than this, promise. Making fridge {or any other magnet surface} magnets out of knobs. How fun is that? What I like most about this craft is that it can be totally custom to what knobs suit your fancy. You can have something simple like these wooden ones or even something more girly like pink glass knobs.

All you need is some knobs, glue gun & glue sticks, and magnets. I picked up these knobs and magnets at Hobby Lobby (of course, right?). The knobs are always 50% off so these weren't but $2 a piece and they have some super cute knobs that would make for some great fridge magnets. The only thing you want to keep in mind while picking out a knob is the surface in which you plan to attach your magnet. You will want enough space to attach your magnet without it hanging over.

The only directions to making these knob magnets is removing the threaded piece from the knob. Which I will admit I had to have my dear hubby's help on. They were glued in those knobs and needed a little more force than I could handle. Once you do get them out just hot glue the magnet straight to the back, let it dry and done. So simple and they can hold up cute stuff, like your kids water painting art. ;)

I may eventually spray paint these knobs a different color but for right now I kind of like the raw wooden look. The old refrigerator on the other hand, well we just won't go there.

Hope you're having a great Thursday!! :)

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