Game maxim in action

Never listen to what women say about what women want.  As evidence, I offer this list, by a so-called sex expert, which claims to reveal what women wish men knew about sex:

In order to feel like sex, I need to be emotionally turned on, as well as physically stimulated.

False. Women's sexual desires are hormonally based and triggered by socio-sexual flags. They aren't having one night stands with strangers because some guy whose name she doesn't know managed to appeal to her emotions.

Words are aphrodisiacs to me. If you want more sex, talk to me more.

False.  Talky talk is BETA and a big turn off to women.  Only cosmically dishonest seducers use words as aphrodisiacs, the average guy isn't going to talk a girl into being turned on.  In most cases, a woman will get more turned on by seeing you talk to a younger, prettier woman than by anything you can say to her other than "I am a billionaire."

The more housework you do, the more I will feel like sex. I'll be less tired and will feel more like an equal partner than a slave.

An absolute lie.   The only studies performed on this have shown that the more housework you do, the less sex you will have.  Women aren't turned on by their kitchen bitches.

I also want to initiate sex but I don't have time to work up an appetite if you make a move on me daily.

No, they really don't.  The fewer moves the man makes, the less likely it is that the woman will ever initiate sex.  There are many examples of men who have tried waiting for their wives to make the move waiting MONTHS before she bothered.

It takes me longer to orgasm than you and it's more difficult. Don't rush me.

This is actually true.   The female expert is one for five.

Be gentler. My skin is thinner and more sensitive than yours. What feels normal to you, often hurts me.

False.  The main problem with men, at least men over the age of seventeen, is that they are TOO gentle.

Don't assume I only want romantic sex. I'm also up for wilder, lustier sex now and then.

True.  It's a pity she doesn't give any useful advice concerning how a man is supposed to distinguish between a desire for the one versus the other.  Only half-credit.

Don't hassle me for sex after I've said no. It makes me feel unsexy, rather than turned on.

True, but irrelevant.  Isn't that why God invented porn and prostitutes, so that women wouldn't feel unsexy after they turned down sex? Which, come to think of it, is about as unsexy as one can get; it is actually anti-sexy.  Now, before the Christians get their panties in a bunch, try to recall that the Christian is not supposed to say no to his spouse.  Or, as in this case, her spouse.  The whole point of the command not to say no is to prevent one's spouse from succumbing to sexual temptation and degrading his spiritual life.  If you're going to say no despite the Biblical directive, the Bible is also perfectly clear on what the result will be.   Another half-credit.

Accept that I'm probably not going to orgasm purely through intercourse. I need stimulation of the clitoris by your hand or a vibrator. This doesn't mean I don't enjoy intercourse, it's just the way my body is designed.

True.  Three for nine.  You're better off just reading Roissy.

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