Letter from a Reader: A Rough Awakening

Image courtesy of www.psychichealerchristine.com

Dear Fashion PULIS,

I am not writing to ‘meddle’ or add fuel to the fire; I am writing to hopefully enlighten and reach out. I hope that people concerned take this letter as coming from a concerned part of the circle. Amidst the misunderstandings and misconceptions, this idealistic actress IA has been very grateful to her relatives RE who love and spoil her, everyone who’s close to them knows that, and IA has always been vocal about it. 

Now let's discuss some points. 

Going back to RE's words, IA has been a good and obedient; but unbeknownst to many, she is like a dog that follows almost everything. Being a person in authority, practically, RE's decisions are final. Yes, IA thinks and analyses things; but the decision is left to RE.
It has to go both ways, but IA just lets RE do what it wants. Sorry to disclose it, but when it comes to money, RE tends to become acquisitive. Everyone close to IA, even her team (PA, driver, yaya), knows how much RE controlled over IA’s finances. 

IA who has earned a lot through her numerous projects through the years is just provided a small allowance daily, which to think of it is the same amount a student receives. There were times that she had to borrow the gas allowance that’s given to the driver just to buy herself a cup of coffee. 

She’d go to regional tours without enough money because all her finances are with RE. As a matter of fact, IA has no idea how much she is earning. And with her stability in the business, she still doesn’t have her own house. Where are her investments? RE claims IA is dependent; but would it be that way had she been given access to her resources she has worked hard for, that can let her to live independently? 

From entertaining to possessive – that’s how RE becomes when it comes to IA's relationships. This is not the first time it happened, which is old news. As soon as RE sees that the guy is capable of saving IA, RE does everything to end it. I personally don’t care who she is with right now, but I think this doing needs to come to an end.

Yes it’s not that easy to let go. But RE will not be around forever, and IA will grow up and lead her own life. Being happy with somebody doesn’t mean that marriage is coming soon; if so, one’s good ties with RE will keep her around. I saw how IA’s exes came and went. She might have lost someone good for her as she listened and obeyed, but I guess she’s old enough to know now.

This time, many lines have been crossed; maybe because IA is a lot more determined and someone is helping her get out of the perceived hell she’s in. IA tried to call RE, assuring them that she was okay and their fears unfounded.

Condo security got harassed, there would always be instruction for them to check IA’s van every time she came home, and the guards cried to her because if they did not do it, they'd lose their jobs. Her driver was fearful, too, because he knows everything. 

One day, as IA's car was taken out to be washed, RE wanted to declare carnapped because it’s nowhere of her sight. IA driver got beaten up with a pipe for all the wrong reasons. IA rebelled and did not to go home, wearing the same clothes the next day. 

Despite it all, her driver who have been with her for years still wants to work for her to protect her. I don’t know why this cruelty should happen to him. After that incident, IA texted RE to stop all of this, pleading that she has endured all the years, to not include innocent people with their rift. 

IA has always said that the last thing she wanted to do is disrespect RE, but how can she fulfill that with how she and some people around her are being treated? She has kept mum throughout these years; she never said any negative thing to the public about RE because she loves and respects them.  

I know RE only wants the best for IA. But would taking things publicly accomplish this? I hope that RE tries to look back and appreciate all the goodness that IA had shown and done for you. Hope that you can fix this peacefully.  At the end of the day, it is your own blood that will matter. 

Concerned Insider

"If God can work through me, he can work through anyone." ~ Francis of Assisi 

Note: Letter is edited for brevity.

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