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Popular candidate PC is being whispered to be in love…again. PC is not the type who will divulge anything about her love life. In fact, she is a certified denial queen - will deny to death her past dalliances no matter what and despite the sightings of her and the guy/s in question having good times abroad.
The latest guy who is rumored to be singing her sweet hosannas is a long-time friend, albeit a controversial one CO. CO's real marital status had been a mystery. On press releases coupled with family pictures, CO is often pictured as an ideal father and husband, almost a perfect family man. Yet his private circumstances prove otherwise.
CO is every inch a gentleman, his mysterious appeal adds more to his machismo. Wasn’t the very quiet CO often rumored to be a lady's man – the one caught red-handed inside the house of his paramour? Only then did the public know that his marriage was on the rocks.
Women swoon over to his trim physique most especially during the younger years of this dashing man. CO is never lacking in female admirers, especially PC who has now allegedly won his heart. PC is unattached at present and is likewise still a certified looker despite the years. And many still really find her attractive. For a long time, PC's image seems to be leaning towards being the 'Muse' - you better get the drift.
Now that the elections is forthcoming, do we expect more sightings of PC and CO? Or will both deliberately avoid each other to avoid the prying eyes of Fashion PULIS? Both look good together ‘though. Careful..
“We are the perfect couple, we’re just not in the perfect situation.”
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