Regulating sex

This article is a shining example of the Female Imperative at work:
Women desperate to become mothers are increasingly signing up for sperm donation websites where men are offering 'natural insemination' only. Sites including,,, and advertise themselves as 'dating websites', forums aiming to link people wishing to conceive or 'co-parent' a child.

But while such donations are traditionally carried out artificially, a rising number of women are opting to do so naturally, by having sex with their donors, because it is believed to be more three times more effective than artificial insemination....

Zita West of Zita West Clinics, an HFEA-regulated site, told Croydon: 'When a woman's ­desperate for a baby and can't afford a ­clinic, she's vulnerable. She may be panicking about her biological clock ticking and might then risk meeting one of these men.  'But she won’t know anything about his genetic background or if he’s been screened for HIV. These sites should be regulated.'
So, we're to understand that regulating sex is out of the question when it comes to traditional customs such as mothers and fathers keeping their hormone-crazed adolescent daughters under some semblance of control, much less interfering with the sexually abnormal in order to fight the spread of lethal disease, but it is an absolute necessity in order to prevent the risk of thirty-something women hitting the wall from deciding to have sex with the wrong guy due to a desire to procreate.

These are, without question, the Crazy Years.

It goes without saying that under the current legal regime, it is complete madness for any man to inseminate, artificially or naturally, a stranger.

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