Blogger Swap

When you first start blogging you wonder will anyone ever want to read what you've written and then you get that first real reader the one who comes back the next day and the one after that, always full of encouragement and it's an amazing feeling. For me that very first person was the gorgeous Estelle from Twinkle's Tutorials and Craft Time who comes all the way from Wales. She does all types of fun crafts and throws amazing parties for her 4 kids.

Anyway one day we were talking swaps and decided to do one and here is the lovely things she so generously sent me.

I opened the box and on the top which is just out of the frame it said G'day Mel and there was this pretty handmade sign. I love the Hollywood/Mellywood play.

Underneath that were so many lovely wrapped gifts.

The map of Australia and a bow pinned where I live.

Pin cushion jar filled with the cutest spools, pegs, twine and ribbons

Another sweet quote for the craft room all in my colours.

Crafting supplies to play with, look at that yarn, how cool is that!! Stickers full of bling, pearls and all that girly stuff we both have a fondess for. You'll be seeing a lot more of that soon.

These are symbols from Wales, the dragon dates back to King Arthur, and our family being fans of history and the boys being obsessed with Arthur Pendragon, the Knights Table and Merlin thought this was so cool. The ornate spoon is a replica as ones given as tokens of love and represent the Celtic patterns. Being from an Irish background Celtic history holds a lot of interest for us too.

Beautiful postcards from the equally beautiful Cardiff, amazing!

I couldn't wait to get the quotes up on my wall, as well as the embroidery hoop

Then once it was all done she popped in a lovely treat of chocolate to be washed down with even more hot chocolate

Thanks so much Estelle for your generosity and for being an awesome blog friend, one day I hope we can meet in person and watch reruns of Scott and Charlene's wedding while listening to Kylie...and I love that you know exactly what I mean! 

Don't forget to pop across and say hi to Estelle and you can see what I sent her here.

Thanks for reading,

Mel xo

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