Sometimes you just want to do something purely for yourself and I love bags, but since I stopped working designer leather ones have not been on my list, but this month has been a big one! The electricity was out to a third of the house, the hot water service packed up, twice, meaning we carted 7 of us for 5 days anywhere we could for a shower, one car off the road waiting for repairs and quite frankly it was time to do something just for me.
So recently our local craft chain held a big sale and for whatever reason I decided I must have some of this white vinyl, it was on sale 50% off so I bought a meter, and there it sat no idea what to do with it until I decided on a bag.
I did the easy fold over method and chose lining and did the same for that.
Attached the lining,
Grabbed an old belt and sewed it on for a handle.
Decided I needed some embellishments and got the Big Shot
Glued them on, you could sew but I didn't fancy hand sewing this is quicker!
And, bang a new bag!
DIY Delight or Disaster? I have never sewed real vinyl, it was fun to try but the belt gave me a real headache, however it's done now and I love it! Delight!
So what have you done for you lately?
Thanks for reading,
Mel xo
Be Delighted Every Day, Follow Mellywood's Mansion!