Sometimes I have great ideas and sometimes those ideas turn out to be so ridiculously stupid I even wonder what I was thinking. This one however I am placing a little blame on Martha Stewart.
A few years back I started maternity leave and had no idea what to do with myself, I hadn't been home in years and so flicking through the tv one day I stumbled across Martha. From day one I was hooked, watched it religiously every day. Then one day this girl came on and made a wallet out of vinyl and scrap book paper and I thought it was the most awesome thing I had ever seen. Enter 4 years later and I have a stack of paper and find myself with some vinyl.
Gathered up my stuff, I actually forgot to chnge the needle and found I had wasted my money, my didn't need a special needle
Cut my paper and vinyl.
So carefully sewed right next to, but not touching the paper.
Then had to turn the thing inside out....anyone foresee what happened, because I sure didn't!
The paper crinkled and looked terrible. Determined I tried multiple ways of getting this to work and they all looked terrible!
DIY Delight or Disaster? Oh so bad and I kept at it and at it, I even went and bought more vinyl attempting to get this right....Disaster!
Do you have any of those things that just turn you into a mad woman and yet you can't stop trying despite it being obvious it's never going to look like what you pictured?
Thanks for reading,
Mel xo
Be Delighted Every Day, Follow Mellywood's Mansion!