Alpha Mail: the limits of Omega

SW asks about his prospects:
Hi, I think I'm a fairly physically attractive Omega college student (that last part I'm sure of)--that is, one or two good, but not great, looking girls will come up with some lame excuse or other to talk to me when I go out (although I don't do that very often and I'm usually by myself) and none of the ones I talk to seem disgusted or annoyed, but I quickly drop the conversational ball.

Until learning about game I never once even considered striking up a conversation with such (relatively) attractive girls (so...thank you!). I'm certain that my difficulties are due to poorly developed social skills, not psychological issues. I don't hate women and I'm not indifferent to them (any more--I didn't hit puberty until 18. Before then I basically saw them as weak, irrational boys), but I have as much difficulty carrying on a conversation with one as I would if she was an alien (actually, I'd probably do better with the alien since at least then I'd have an excuse...). I know that no amount of improvement in my social skills (I'm including game here) will allow me to get a model, but how attractive (or not) of a (non-damaged--one beautiful bunny boiler is enough for me) girl do you think I will be able to get?
I think an omega male should spend more time thinking about actually spending some time with a girls he finds attractive than worrying about maximizing the physical beauty of his female companion.  Very few alphas settle down with the most attractive woman with whom they've ever been, because as those men who have actually spent sufficient time with women know, the amount of time you spend looking at them or having sex with them is not going to be the majority of the time.

As has been said before, there is no woman so beautiful that there isn't a man somewhere who is sick of putting up with her.

SW would be well-advised to learn how to stop killing the initial attraction that women are feeling for him.  He should practice looking women in the eye, asking them questions, and otherwise keeping his mouth shut.  I mean, it's not surprising to hear that he has an omega-class disattraction vibe, as even his question here has a mildly disturbing vibe to it.

(SW, I'm not saying that to pile on and omega-shame, I'm simply trying to point out what sort of thing inspires a negative reaction in people. When you talk about the maximal limits of the girl you can get, it really sounds as if you're about two steps away from skinning said girl and making her into a lampshade.  People are people, not inanimate objects.)

What creeps people out is the Uncanny Valley effect. The reason women are disattracted to SW and other omegas is that they sense their psychological abnormalities, which strike them as not quite human.  The solution is to reduce that effect, but I don't know enough about SW to know what those abnormalities are or how severe they are.  Regardless, progress comes one step at a time. SW needs to learn how to relate to women and be able to communicate with them before he worries about dating any of them.

I've asked SW to email me an example or two of a typical dialogue with a woman who approaches him.  This should help us figure out the extent of the problem.

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