Very is not tokenized or even racialized. This is a rare treat where a young protagonist of color is not the only non-white person who plays an important role in the story and is simply a character not characterized by her skin color. Add in some scientific and philosophical discussions about natural environment and you've got a Benetton, sci-fi lover geek out. Visually stunning, Spark is a fine effort with inklings of the filmmaker putting a firm stamp on her signature style.
The film has been the official selection of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Film Festival as well as the Black Rock City Film Festival. Bridget is well-rounded in both story concepts and casting. She is a refreshing example of the 21st century's accessible media movement where independent producers are radicalizing the way we think about race, gender, and more when you see women of color in these unique roles. From a rich body of work directing music videos and commercials, her narratives are worth noting and I sincerely hope to continue to be amazed by what she does in the future.
--- Film: Spark by Bridget Palardy
Ashlee is currently the Sponsorship Director for Women in Horror Month and the administrative badass behind the Viscera Organization. She’s also the “horror academic nerd” co-host for the Women in Horror Month podcast and runs an annual horror film screening event in her native land of Philadelphia. She also digs vegan desserts, using her DSLR, and the idea of teaching a class about horror movies. More of her musings can be found at