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When young Versatile Performer (VP) entered showbiz, he was expected to sign up with a network where he was already familiar with most of its talents. However, despite his looks, physique, and talent, he was assigned limited roles. It’s just that the network had better-looking actors, and VP did not fit the mold of a matinee star.
Thus, when he was offered to act in a hit series, he left this network and signed up for the role that could increase his name and face recall. By gaining his own identity, he would no longer be referred to as a relative of a more established young actor.
During the taping of an intimate scene, a production head (PH) was surprised at where VP’s hand was. PH saw VP touching his crotch. Since the taping was done in front of the crew, some found it odd that VP had his hand on a sensitive part of his body. They could not help but wonder if his love scene with the lead actor of the series turned him on. Was the appeal of the lead actor so strong that VP was physically affected despite the public circumstances of a shooting?
We see that every external motion, act, gesture, whether voluntary or mechanical, organic or mental, is produced and preceded by internal feeling or emotion, will or volition, and thought or mind. -H. P. Blavatsky
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