Fraudulent Motive

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Celebrities being big earners are often approached by all kinds of peddlers who sell them anything under the sun - from accessories to appliances, insurance to condominiums, cars, and yes - the most tempting of them all – jewelry.

Some celebrities take advantage of this opportunity, sometimes resorting to maneuvering just so they could put one over the other.

Mother and daughter went to a seller of a well-known brand of jewelry. Mother Actress MA told the Seller SE that she liked a particular Jewelry Set JS and was interested to buy. She then asked SE if she could borrow the JS for two weeks for a “road test.” Although feeling doubtful, SE agreed.

After two weeks, SE made follow-up with MA if she had already decided on buying JS. MA who said that she had forgotten to bring it, promised to get back to SE soonest - but she never did. The following week, SE made another follow up – and again, MA gave her the runaround.

At this point, SE was already becoming paranoid and nervous. After almost a month of more pressured follow up, MA finally relented and returned the jewelry to a very relieved SE - but not without MA saying that she did not like JS and was no longer buying it. Although quite disappointed by the failed transaction, SE deemed it best to have JS back in her possession knowing the risk involved in dealing with people like MA.

It was clear with SE that she was just hoodwinked by MA. It appeared that MA duped her - pretending to buy but did not, and instead “owned” and used JS for weeks - for free.

And true enough, after only a few weeks – lo and behold! SE saw MA’s photos in a company catalogue - proudly wearing her jewelry set!

Moral of the story: Trust your instincts, not some people.

“When in doubt, don’t.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

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