According to a study from the University of Westminster, men who exhibit sexist attitudes towards women are also likely to have a preference for large breasts. The findings, which show a connection between sexism in men and breast size, involved 361 white men from 18-68 years of age being shown 3D models of women with a range of breast sizes. The men were then asked to identify which women they found most attractive, following which each was given a survey measuring hostility and attitudes toward women, relationships, benevolent sexism and how much a man objectified a women. The research found that the largest percentage of men (32.7 per cent) rated medium-sized breasts “most attractive”, followed by large (24.4 per cent) and then very large breasts (19.1 percent). The majority of men interested in large to very large breasts admitted to displaying behavioral traits of sexism and hostile attitudes towards women.Now, from an actual scientific perspective, both studies are complete junk. But let's pretend to take them seriously anyhow. By approaching this from the perspective of a metastudy, we can reasonably conclude that the majority of men who prefer larger breasts and wish to become fathers admit to displaying behavioral traits of sexism and hostile attitudes towards women. It's not so much that they make better dads as that they are the men who are interested in fathering children in the first place.
According to Psychology Today, researchers Christopher Burris and Armand Munteanu conducted a study based on an “evolutionary perspective on breast size,” by asking 67 college men about their desire to become a father. Their answers were measured on a scale. Thereafter, the men were asked to adjust women’s’ breasts, hips and proportions on a computer-animated program according to their “ideal sexual partner.” The results revealed that men who wished to remain childless preferred smaller breasts, while men who preferred larger breasts had a desire to become a dad.
Which is good news for society, since well-endowed women who are not feminist will be more likely to give into their instinctive desire for dominant men and bear their children. Meanwhile, the flat-chested feminists will be refusing to involve themselves with those sexist chauvinists and can safely engage in mutually respectful childless relationships until such time their husband comes out of the closet or has an affair with a prepubescent student with even smaller breasts.