The Joke in a Wink

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Two comedians and hosts - CH1 and CH2 - do not exactly have a pleasant history. Their professional work often triggered a rivalry between which are not exactly to their liking. Both very vocal on many issues, CH1 and CH2 have in the past been bitter enemies which most people find uncalled for owing to their status.

Through the years however, both have finally realized that it’s time to move forward and be real gentlemen for the benefit of their public whom they owe a lot. Thus they began to bury the hatchet and started becoming friends again. To be fair to both, especially for CH2, whether he was sincere or not, he did walk the talk.

CH2 publicly showed his generous side by giving CH1 gifts on several occasions, to which CH1 acknowledged wholeheartedly. In their respective shows, both tried to show friendliness by making positive statements about each other. Although some observers say that both CH1 and CH2 may have not really meant it, but are just after publicity.

Recently, maybe as a gesture of returning CH2’s favor, CH1 gave CH2 a piece of his passion, something that reportedly overwhelmed CH2. He was so overwhelmed that he told CH1 that he would be hosting a party for him.

Came the date of the supposed party, everything was in place – catering, singers and dancers. Friends and guests came - hours passed - CH1 was nowhere in sight. CH2 was fidgety. He ordered his staff to call CH1. CH1 picked up the phone - seemed surprised and reasoned out that he didn’t know anything about the party. Uh oh!

Was it sarcasm on CH1’s part to do what he did? Whatever his reason was, CH2’s group reportedly remarked, “ the joke’s on CH2.’’

“You had to learn at a certain age what sarcasm is, you know?” ~Penny Marshall  

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