Top 7 Reasons Why Nerds Are Cautiously Optimistic About #Batfleck

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I would like to preface this post by saying that I’ve met Ben Affleck. He’s a sweet guy and he takes the time to talk with his fans

See? Here is a photo of us together.

Ben and Jamie sitting in a tree...kinda

We dated once, you know.

Just kidding.

As a matter a fact, I’m a fan of his work and find him to be a talented actor. However, filling the shoes of Bruce Wayne is a whole different kind of animal and nerds are very sensitive about their superheroes.

Here are the Top 7 reasons why nerds are cautiously optimistic about Ben Affleck playing Batman: 

7. Gigli 

 Yes, I know we shouldn’t condemn a man for a mistake he made over 10 years ago, but unfortunately the fumes from this stink bomb are still lingering and it’s difficult to ignore this disaster of a movie.

6. The Clooney Comparison 

It’s not looking good when you use George Clooney in the same sentence as Ben Affleck in reference to Batman. Ben is a Hollywood A-lister like his counterpart George and we all remember the monstrosity of the 1997 film Batman & Robin.

5. “PAUCK The Batmobile” 

I love Boston accents. I actually want one. Unfortunately some nerds I’ve conversed with via social media are concerned that his accent may slip once in a while. Bale somehow managed to keep his in check, but Affleck not so much. Will he go all Dropkick Murphys on us? Only time will tell.

4. This Tweet from the legendary Richard Dreyfuss
Ok, maybe not a good reason to feel some kind of way about the Ben casting but still I like The Dreyfuss.

3. Warner Bros’ Relationship With Affleck 

Let’s keep it real. There is just a tiny morsel of nepotism going on here that leaves a bad taste in the mouths of some fans. Warner Bros. is the same company that produced The Town and Argo, which coincidentally was directed by Affleck. He may have more creative control over the Batman franchise than most fans would prefer. This could either be advantageous or an unequivocal disaster.

2. There’s A Petition out against him 

I honestly think this is ridiculous. I can think of a million better ways to spend my time than drudging up an online petition to boycott this future portrayal. However, the fact that there are so many signatures and fans are so indignantly against Affleck in this role leads one to believe that there is a massive lack of support for it.

1. Daredevil 

I don’t believe that lightning can strike in the same place twice, but what if it did? If you screw up one superhero franchise, who is to say the same thing can’t happen again? Yes, the script was bad and the direction was atrocious, but Daredevil is a movie that I just cannot pretend never happened. EVER.

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