Scandals upon scandals have been coming in relentlessly and endlessly the past several weeks. Just as we thought that we have become calloused from all the dizzying and mind-boggling exposes laid before us, just as we thought that nothing can shock us anymore - there came another shocker poppin right from our monitor as we went online early Tuesday morning.
Speechless, stunned, puking, sickening -- those were some of the reactions from a sex video scandal that astounded us all. The private video was purposely done with the consent of the performing parties for whatever reason. How it came about and went viral in just a few hours is anybody’s guess.
There was a male performer MP in missionary doing his act with an attractive, much younger co-worker CW who seemed to reciprocate and enjoyed it to the hilt. The video act was quite long, enough to make the viewer feel a host of emotions: anger, dismay, pity, helplessness – as if they are family members.
Whether MP and CW got carried away by their passion and decided to record their act will definitely curve their collective fate, especially MP’s.
Just how much MP stands to lose in this is incalculable. So much is at stake. The chips are high. His tremendous talent, his legions of fans, his co-workers in his immensely-popular show, the wounded feelings of his family - and above all – his dignity.
Some say he is finished. He is done. Yet, we can never tell. We can only ask.
Mr. MP, where do you go from here?
“ Men know they are sexual exiles. They wander the earth seeking satisfaction, craving and despising, never content. There is nothing in that anguished motion for women to envy. “ ~ Camille Paglia
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