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Being public figures, stars live on fishbowl - whether they like it or not, their every move is magnified, and as such the impact is a lot greater especially so when one is careless. To be fair, there are many stars who behave well in public, keeping in mind their responsibilities well. But there are those whose actions spell ewwww!
Rumored icky actor IA is one very notorious lot. This hunk of a guy whose female and gay fans love to fantasize about will be in for a shock once they learn what IA’s favorite habit is.
IA loves to “smell.” Well and good. Our sense of smell gives us great pleasure. Smell lets us enjoy the scents and fragrances like roses or coffee.
But IA is different, because he has an insatiable urge to smell really weird stuff.
Reportedly, IA has a number of favorite things he loves so much to smell. Mind you, these stuff are really disgusting and yucky.
IA’s co-workers cringe every time they catch him smelling his used toothpick, ewww! At another time, he was seen picking his ears with his bare hand, and also smelling it after. Whenever he removes his socks, he also smells them. People who see him feel like shrinking every time.
From the way it looks, IA derives so much pleasure from his smelling habit – it has become an obsession. Some say it is a disorder since no sane man would do what IA does. Yet again, it would do him better if he would learn to smell himself..uh oh!
“A habit is something you can do without thinking - which is why most of us have so many of them. “ ~Frank A. Clark
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