Rating a Loser

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The controversial public servant PS who has relations to one of those implicated in one of the biggest scandals to hit this government is just being consistent with what she really is. For so long, even before she entered politics, there had already been stories of how PS was pictured as someone who is notoriously mean and tight-fisted.

People who are privy to PS swear how much of a stingy she was - and still is - something that’s already bordering on meanness. Reportedly, she applies the same attitude even, or specially towards her own househelp. No househelp should have access to any food without her knowledge. Everything they touch in the house, especially those from the kitchen must first be secured permission from PS. When relatives come a-visiting, household staff are allegedly under strict instruction to be sparse when it comes to food preparation.

Gift-giving is another thing with PS. When her then small kids were asked who they want to receive gifts from, the kids mentioned several family members’ names - except their mother. When asked why, the kids said PS is very “kuripot.”

Many years ago when PS was not yet into politics, she had a weekly show where a high-end salon sponsored her hair and make-up needs. Regularly, PS would go to the salon to do all these and much more, even including her manicure and pedicure, all for free. Being a sponsored celebrity, PS got full and special attention. Despite all that, unlike the salon’s regular and celebrity clients, PS was often stiff and unfriendly. Reportedly, after availing all the salon services, PS would tip them P10.

According to an insider, salon staff SS would much prefer that PS not tip them anymore as they really cringed and felt so small. As for SS, it’s not about being materialistic, for it is their duty to provide professional service to all their clients. It’s just that they felt they were not being treated right by PS. When some regular clients would tip them P50 to P100, and paying-celebrity clients gave at least P200, PS who got everything for free, her P10 tip always left a bad taste in the mouth.

Sources noted that PS recent pronouncements only confirmed all of the above.

"I got a simple rule about everybody. If you don't treat me right -- shame on you!" ~ Armstrong, Louis

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