Affluence Gone?

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Stars know that money-wise, showbiz is far from stable. Which is why they take every opportunity to strike while the sun shines, so to speak. Thus, more and more stars are becoming financially savvy to prepare and secure themselves and their family's future for any eventuality.

A showbiz family was once at the apex of stardom with majority of its Members ME in the league of top celebrities, the crème de la crème. A Family Member FM took the task of handling ME. In and out of showbiz, FM was both liked and hated. The powerful FM made sure ME get good projects.

Along with power, fame and money can bring out the worst in some people. FM personified them. She was generous yet shrewd. She was adept at the game and knew how to play expertly, including which issues will spark publicity. She handled ME well and money was the least of her problem.

That was just few years ago.

Today, things have drastically changed. In a twist of fate, ME are not that in-demand anymore. FM is not that visible in showbiz circles like she used to. Her unsuccessful ventures/projects had put her in such dire financial pressure. Things changed, but not FM's character and the issues she often got entangled with.

FM allegedly did not pay the dressmaker whom she contracted to make the uniforms for her household staff (maids, drivers). The agreed amount was Php20,000 to which FM paid thru check. The poor DM fumed when the check bounced when she presented it to the bank.

She called FM right away and demanded payment. FM was feisty and tried to justify herself saying that the uniforms she made were all of bad quality and her staff could not even wear them.

DM was outraged and felt that FM was up to something. She knew that FM's alibi was just a ploy so that she would not be pressured to pay up. How can her creations be of bad quality when it has been her business for years? DM's suspicion was confirmed when she saw FM's maids wearing the very uniform she was complaining about.

DM is now in a quandary - to this day FM has not paid her. Php20,000 is big money for DM that she can not afford to lose just like that. Never did she imagine that a customer like FM whom she thought was good and reliable would give her this big trouble

Wonder why ME can not salvage FM's reputation and help her pay up? You know, what is Php20,000 if all of them would give their share?

" The only shame is to have none." ~ Blaise Pascal

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