So Lost and Ugly

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One of the country's Top Endorsers TE had a shoot at a beach for her new tvc. A Stylist ST was contracted to do TE's styling. However during the shoot day itself, ST was a big disappointment. She was there alright but nowhere close to doing her job. She went to the shoot to have fun and swim to her heart's content.

Reportedly, the ad agency 's team fumed and was surprised that ST had to relegate everything to her assistants to do the work when she was paid big to personally handle TE. It would have been more acceptable, they said, had ST supervised her assistants, at the very least – but no. ST allegedly assumed the role of a celebrity by acting like one.

As if on cue for a celebrity mode, as soon as she arrived at the venue, ST changed into swimwear right away and went sunbathing.

Observers have been quite accurate in their assumption of ST ever since. For the longest time, since she had tasted some perks while in a brief stint as the other half of a famous relationship, she has tried to gel with Her Friends HF even more and slowly inched her way to their world. To top it all, as if to make her presence felt even more, she got herself a talent agency to handle her.

Yet, people can only look at her with confusion as to what she really wants to be – a stylist or a star. More often, ST has been labeled unprofessional since she herself seems to get confused as to her true job description. People can not help but think that she has supposedly sunk herself into celebrity status such that doing what she used to do is already out of the question.

Whenever her clients call for her, ST only gets her assistants to do her work of pulling out clothes. Then on the shoot day itself, she would arrive late when everything is already in place then lets her assistants to do all the styling that she was paid for to do. People ask: Isn't it a big disservice to the clients who deserve nothing less?

As if getting into character of a real star, the once pleasant ST has now acquired an attitude, too. ST's treatment of Her Staff HS has been turning them off. When one of HS tendered her resignation to look for greener pasture for more growth - ST got mad. She texted all her designer-friends, magazine editors, artist handlers, etc., and told them not to hire her ex HS.

HS 's sympathizers can only ask what kind of boss ST has become? Isn't she supposed to be open-minded and proud of HS whom she had trained well? Why get in the way of HS growth?

Jealousy fuses megalomania and self-abandonment. ~ Mason Cooley

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