Stop saying stupid things

If you want people to pay attention to you. Some women don't seem to understand that the reason men don't listen to them has nothing to do with who or what they are and everything to do with what they are saying:
I was running on very little sleep and in pain, and the internet was full of spite and anger, over reviews, over Evil Old Fans, over women who speak up and male authors who object. Over lack of diversity and prejudice and abuse. All day I watched men complain and demand, and women of all ages try at length to find answers and compromises, to help, to support, to nurture, to explain, to ameliorate. And the men ignored them or said 'Not good enough.' I noticed the Very Important Men interact with each other and reflect each other and ignore all female input, unless it came from a very small selection of Women Who Matter, who were almost all young, pretty and successful, and usually also white and heterosexual and able-bodied.

I saw, in particular, older women of all races say and do intelligent, positive things, and be ignored.
Look a little more closely at what she is saying. "women who speak up and male authors who object". Women like her never seem to grasp that it is the content of their speech to which men are objecting, not the mere fact that they are babbling nonsensically away about something again. Does she seriously want to try to deny that those male authors have the same right to object to what the women are saying that the women have to say it in the first place? Why does she think she can object to the behavior of others, when they are doing nothing more than what she is doing.

The main reason Very Important Men tend to interact with each other and ignore female input is because female input, most of the time, is solipsistic, short-sighted, self-serving, and not infrequently unrelated to the topic at hand.  For example, when male scientists are discussing the best way to cure cancer while women are complaining that there are too few female scientists, the correct thing for those male scientists to do is to ignore them.

(In fact, the more female scientists there are, the worse off science is likely to be in the long run, due to the fact that those intelligent female scientists have been statistically observed to be disinclined to reproduce and contribute multiple generations of male scientists, whose collective contribution is likely to considerably outweigh her own.)

Now, it is true that men are willing to pay attention to sufficiently attractive women, no matter what nonsense they are babbling. But all that does is put the other women in exactly the same position as every man in the world, judged by the content of her contributions rather than by her superficial attributes.  This woman isn't calling for equality, she's simply bitter that she doesn't qualify for either male respect or unmerited male attention.

Got something to say? Good. Say it. And if it's self-serving, contentious illogic, you'll be rightly ignored, unless you're pretty enough to be humored. That is the way of the world. Deal with it.

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