Wine Rack to Vinyl Storage

 Hey Guys,

I think Spring has given me back my desire to get back into doing the house, maybe it's the warmer weather but I have been working my butt off. This trash chic project has me happier than a pig in mud!

If you've been hanging about the mansion for sometime now, you may remember that I got this wine rack, oh only about 11 months ago, and for 11 months Julian has wondered why it has taken up space in the garage. He thought I was going to use it for actual wine, but I cleared that up by saying as if I would be able to keep wine on a rack just to look at!

Maureen at It's All Connected had emailed me her recipe for homemade chalk paint ages ago and I have been between, desperate to try it and scared out of my wits that I would ruin my furniture so I though this was the perfect item to start with. When the first coat dried, I considered deleting my blog and sending hate mail to anyone posting chalk paint looked dreadful!

But I put my fears out there at the Mellywood's Mansion Facebook Community, I've been dying to use that term and make don't I sound special! Anyway my mates on my Facebook page (and you can follow me here) assured me that it was normal and just to keep going, and I'm so glad I did!

Three coats and some waxing later, I am in LOVE!!!

DIY Delight or Disaster? Okay so totally honest, I really thought I was going to hate it but when it was finished and I put my vinyl in it, I looked around my almost completed room and literally got all choked up (No Mum relax, I'm not pregnant, sometimes I have some real emotions!) Delight!

What's made you cry tears of joy?

Mel xo

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