Junked and Took It Grudgingly

Image courtesy of www.sevenstring.org

Television shows have individual shelf lives, at the very least lasting 3 months. Depending on its ratings, any show can go for as long as several months to several years of successful and productive airing. Regardless of who stars in it, no show is indispensable if it doesn’t meet the required advertising load, which to a big extent, depends on the ratings, too.

To stay interesting and relevant, some shows opt to reformat. Doing so gives the show's Production Team PT a chance to improve and correct flaws while not totally losing face with their superiors and advertisers. While some do succeed with the reformatted program that gets extended for a season or two, others fail miserably as well.

The show of Annoying Host AH has seen various changes even before AH came into The Show TS. AH and some of her followers may believe she is a good host, but viewers' reactions and feedback do not often paint a good picture of her. To them, AH will be forever assuming, an incurable trying hard. Despite her efforts, AH continues to get bashed in almost all forms of social media.

TS was reformatted, AH and a Co-Host CH were not retained. Instead PT got the services of more Veteran Stars VS in the field to replace them. Backstage, AH was asked by some staff of PT how she felt about her leaving TS and her take about being replaced by VS.

AH's reply floored them. Without batting an eyelash, she replied with gravy-thick sarcasm, "It's okay, I know that VS will replace us, what can we do? They will fit in the show more because of their mass appeal - something that will not work for CH and I because we are only for the elite taste."

" Wash out your ego every once in a while, as cleanliness is next to godliness, not just in body but in humility as well. " ~Terri Guillemets

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