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VP who is regarded as a role model of her generation is every parents' dream daughter and any sibling's dream sister. She is a girl every man dreams to bring to his mother. But inspite of VP's enviable status in showbiz, the public believes that there is something she continues to be deprived of – the chance to take charge of her own life and decisions.
Some of her fans and followers hope that VP - the poor, little, rich… and very good girl - will one day rise up to be independent and end up with her Prince happily ever after - just like the princesses from fairy tales.
The very desirable VP has led a sheltered and complicated life. She is definitely a big blessing to her family who to this day continues to protect her like a delicate gem. Her Guardian HG has long been a permanent presence all her life, often getting the ire for her over protectiveness of VP.
After having been "linked" to several attractive men in the industry, VP has yet to get that stamp of approval from HG. As is commonly known, VP's guy admirers are intimidated by HG who has acquired a frightening label for them – as attested to by those who were allegedly 'junked' by HG.
But contrary to public perception, HG has reportedly loosened up her tight grip on VP. Yes, after going through a lot of storms in their personal lives, HG is now reportedly cool to the idea of granting VP's cherished wish. In fact HG already has a Talented Actor TA she favors for VP. But something is holding her back.
The very conservative HG is not sold to the idea of showbiz's merry-go-round of relationships, aka exchanging partners. It is common knowledge that TA falls on this category having been an ex-lover of sensual actress, who is now the present girl of handsome actor who was previously linked to VP… uh oh! To HG and the rest of her family, this does not augur well for VP's image and status in the industry which they guard like a precious jewel. Definitely, a no no in good PR.
" It is the plain women who know about love; the beautiful women are too busy being fascinating." ~ Katharine Hepburn
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