A 17-year-old girl was charged Friday with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, unlawful possession of a firearm and battery after deputies say she pulled a gun on her mother during an argument. Rachel Anne Hachero was upset because her mother wouldn't co-sign on a vehicle purchase, according to a Lee County Sheriff's Office report. The teen's mother told investigators Hachero threatened to kill her when she refused to co-sign for the vehicle. Hachero then confronted her mother at home with a gun and pistol-whipped her head, according to the report.Now, there are certainly men capable of behaving in such a manner. The difference, however, is that these men are never elite college material; Miss Hachero has been accepted to several Ivy League universities. The strongest correlation to male criminal behavior is not poverty or race, but low IQ. Unlike his less intelligent brethren, a smart man is capable of seeing that pistol-whipping one's prospective co-signer is likely to produce far more cost than benefit to him and is therefore reluctant to act. A highly intelligent woman, on the other hand, is perfectly capable of making the same cost-benefit judgment, but then goes ahead and commits the crime anyhow.
How do we explain this? Is the girl simply crazy? That's always possible. But more likely, the answer is to be found in the mother's response. "The mother told investigators she did not want to press charges against Hachero, because she had recently been accepted to several Ivy League colleges." There is the root of the problem. Take a naturally solipsistic person, raise them without any sense of personal accountability, and you create a monster. Far too many young women have been turned into such monsters by the failure of their parents to "oppress" them, or to put it another way, "civilize" them.
Just as women are forced to be aware that every charming man with a winning smile is a potential Ted Bundy, men need to be cognizant of the increasing possibility that a pretty young woman is a budding Rachel Hachero. Because if a girl will pull a gun on her own mother for nothing more than refusing to obey her, just imagine what she will be willing to do to you the first time you cross her.