You Don't Know Me?

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After all the passengers have boarded this international flight, the son of this high-ranking politician spotted many vacant seats in the business class section. He stood up, left his economy seat, and transferred to the business class section.

When one of the flight attendants noticed his move, she politely approached him and requested that he goes back to his seat. He was offended that she called his attention. He spoke to her in a loud voice, saying "You don't know me? I am the son of . . . . . . . .  I have the right to choose where I want to sit."

The stewardess did not want any trouble so she went to the cockpit and told the pilot about the incident. A few minutes later, the pilot came out and approached this passenger. He told him that the plane will not depart unless everyone is properly seated. At that moment, he realized that the pilot was darn serious. He swallowed his pride, stood up and walked back to his assigned seat.

Do you know who is this passenger? Apart from his parents being politicians, he was also recently elected into office.

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